The SAVVAS Curriculum in Science Education: A Case Study

Topic: Curriculums
Words: 3717 Pages: 13

Curriculum Case Study Analysis


The project area is focused on 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade science teaching in schools using the Savvas curriculum. There are alignment problems in the SAVVAS curriculum and NGSS standards for science, which causes certain controversies in education. The shift to the SAVVAS curriculum is connected with implementing innovations in the science classroom, including digital technologies, appealing to current social tendencies, and transforming learning into a research-based practice.

Students are involved in observable, real-world scientific activities during SAVVAS Science lessons and evaluations. Through inquiry-based learning, students employ disciplinary core ideas and learn basic scientific concepts to develop their scientific knowledge. The examples of 3 classroom descriptions for each grade level illustrate the principles of the SAVVAS curriculum and their difference from science standards articulated in the NGSS framework.

Three hundred and seventy students attend XYZ Elementary School, which is situated in a suburban area of Florida. With educators and employees from a variety of ethnic origins, the school supports students from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Funding for XYZ comes from a range of federal, state, and local sources. Although XYZ has a high proportion of teachers and instructors for technology and technical assistance, only twenty teachers are now employed at the school. Three school nurses, three counselors, and librarians comprise the teacher support team.

The STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) and arts integration curriculum used by XYZ has an influence on student learning and experience. Textbooks, library materials, instructional software, and other technological tools, including computers, tablets, projectors, and interactive whiteboards, are among the resources available to enhance teaching and learning.

Numerous layers of administration can be observed in an XYZ elementary school’s administrative structure. The principal of XYZ School is in charge of managing every area of academic life. The chief administrator’s responsibilities may additionally include supervising staff management, behavior management, and community involvement. Along with the instructors, the assistant principal of the school oversees the conduct of the students.

Working collaboratively with instructors, curriculum coordinators supervise the creation and application of educational programs. The administration of counseling, health care, and special education services falls within the purview of the student services coordinator. By training students in their designated grade levels and topic areas, teachers interact closely with students.

The formative and summative assessments included in Appendix A reflect the processes happening in the school. The documentation shows that within its neighborhood, XYZ is regarded as a center for education. The school frequently asks for feedback from parents and community people when considering options about the curriculum, including choosing textbooks, implementing new projects, and creating school regulations. By working together, the curriculum is made to address current social challenges. Furthermore, the school offers volunteer opportunities where parents and community people may collaborate with children on projects, including tutoring, reading to students, or contributing to special events.

A number of systems exist at XYZ that facilitate curriculum development. A curriculum committee composed of teachers, administrators, and parents is a feature of several structures. In addition, instructors have access to tools and technology, such as interactive whiteboards, internet databases, and instructional software, that may help them create and implement effective courses. Classroom observations and 3-minute walkthroughs for the curriculum case study that illustrate these points can be found in Appendix B.

Yet, challenges, such as more opportunities for professional development and high-stakes testing, might also thwart efficient curriculum implementation. There is a problem connected with receiving adequate financing for the science class. As was already mentioned, there is a need to use technology during science classes in the 4th – 6th grades, which means that all students should have access to the Internet. The problem is also connected with students’ distinct social and economic backgrounds. Due to family issues, some of them have limited opportunities to study at home and use the technologies. These challenges make the implementation of the curriculum complicated and require additional attention from stakeholders.

Additional Data

To understand the success and obstacles in the science school curriculum, additional data required include:

  • Student performance data;
  • Teacher feedback;
  • Curriculum materials and resources;
  • Parent and student feedback;
  • Trends in education;
  • Analysis of community needs.

The teacher must conduct internal and external environmental scanning to understand the obstacles and opportunities. Understanding the context and the trends that influence the education process prepares the instructor for potential challenges. For example, student feedback allows the teacher to learn whether the methods they apply in the classroom are effective and justified. Analyzing the existing trends in education allows the teacher to provide students with the most recent innovative techniques that make classroom activities engaging and valuable.

Stakeholder Analysis

The stakeholders in this project are the following:

  • Students;
  • Teachers;
  • Parents;
  • Administrators;
  • Community members.

The stake of students is to receive exciting knowledge of the subject. The responsibility of teachers is to provide students with information in science using the most effective approaches and ensure that learners are motivated to continue studying. The goals of teachers, parents, community members, and administrators are similar. All of them want to educate students and provide them with new information that develops their cognition and worldview in a structured manner.

The benefits of adult stakeholders in this situation are connected with the upbringing of children with sufficient scientific knowledge and who are motivated to continue their education. They require time, effort, and money to ensure the learning process satisfies students’ needs. The benefits for students, in this case, are high quality of education and an understanding of the basic principles of science they will need in the future. It requires effort and much time from children who study in the 4th – 6th grades to master the topics.

Action Plan Goals

Some gaps in the science curriculum were observed after analyzing student performance and classroom. They include the following aspects:

  • Students were not directly involved in learning activities;
  • Teachers were not teaching toward science-based NGSS Standards;
  • Authors and stakeholders should revise the SAVVAS curriculum to reflect NGSS standards;
  • Assist teachers in professional development opportunities to grasp the updated standards of NGSS.

Proposed Action Plan

Description of Problem and Goal

The goal of the proposed intervention is to fully implement the SAVVAS curriculum at school to reflect NGSS standards. It is possible to achieve it by following the following steps:

  • Analyze needs and goals of curriculum development, including identifying key learning outcomes and determining what students need to know;
  • Identify resources and constraints;
  • Determine teaching methods and assessment strategies.

Decision Model

The information about implementing the curriculum in practice and the results of its use in the classroom is relevant to the discussion. In addition, the feedback from students, teachers, parents, and school administration about implementing the curriculum allows for making objective conclusions about the effectiveness of the approaches used in the classroom. It also allows educators to see existing weaknesses in the curriculum and adjust it to the standards of teaching science for students of the 4th – 6th grades.

It is possible to use the Enlightened Political Leader model in this situation to find balanced solutions in the school environment. This decision-making approach supposes that the leader empowers members of the group to maximize their abilities while leading them altruistically toward a comprehensive goal. The leader would be someone with a strong sense of ethics and interpersonal skills. They provide a role model for others and serve as an inspiration.

Options Considered

When making curricular adjustments, the first and second alternatives in the decision model are taken into account. The goal is for instructors to have all the necessary tools to raise students who are able to function in diverse environments. The empowerment of instructors and their sense of self-satisfaction are two unforeseen positive outcomes.

Unintended negative effects include resistance from educators who have embraced the old SAVVAS curriculum and change aversion on the part of students who believe that disruption of grade transitions would result from the change. A survey of stakeholders and changes in student performance will be used to gauge the effectiveness of the outcomes. In such a case, high scores show that change is successful.

Outcome Evaluation/ Benchmarking

The expected outcomes include high scores in the academic performance of students, their stable motivation for learning, conducting independent research on the given topics, participation in classroom activities, and their attitude to the subject. Another marker of success in this situation is the positive feedback of parents, teachers, and school administration on the measures applied to the science curriculum. It is vital to remember that all actions of educators should be centered around the needs of students and their motivation to study science.

Additional Questions

The teacher should receive professional development in the NGSS principles of education and the SAVVAS curriculum. There is a practical need to master leadership skills to organize classroom work effectively. It is also necessary to implement technologies in the classroom to make the information children study fascinating for them. The organizational constraints of implementing the SAVVAS curriculum in science classrooms include budgetary concerns for using technologies.

The initiative will be supported by parents and students who are interested in making the science lesson more engaging. Parents and the community can support the new initiative if the teacher appeals to them. Their compliance will be manifested in the agreement to increase the funding of science classes because there is a need to change the technologies used for these lessons.

Focus Question

The question is the following:

How can SAVVAS be amended to meet NGSS education standards?

It will be helpful to workshop this question in the future because it allows the teacher to simultaneously embrace tradition and innovation in the science classroom.

Reflections, Connections, and Synthesis

Curriculum Case Study Area of Focus Reflections, Connections to Coursework, and Extension to NELP Standards

Analysis of Curriculum Authorship, Revision, and Evaluation in the School

The selected area of focus for this curriculum case study is science at the elementary level of education, from grades 3 to 5. This particular area was chosen based on my interest in understanding the current alignment of the SAVVAS education curriculum with NGSS. I have developed an interest in understanding the implementation of the SAVVAS curriculum in schools. It was an opportune moment for me to investigate and find a possible relationship between what has been authored in the SAVVAS curriculum and what is practiced.

Connection to the Student Population and Community

The science curriculum for grades 4-6 is connected to the student population and community in several ways, primarily through acknowledging diversity. The science curriculum equips learners with knowledge and skills relevant to daily life. The education curriculum prepares students for future and further learning opportunities by meeting and addressing social needs that will emerge at the end of the academic journey.

Cultural responsive teaching practices in science recognize the importance of cultural diversity and seek to incorporate unique cultural backgrounds and experiences into curriculum development. This approach helps students feel more engaged in learning processes and can enhance their understanding of scientific concepts by making lessons more relevant in responding to real-world issues.

Assessment and evaluation are other factors that cannot be underscored. Assessment tools can measure student progress and understanding and identify areas where additional support may be needed. Evaluation of science curriculum can help educators and curriculum developers identify areas where curriculums may need improvement to meet students’ varying needs in and outside the school environment.

SAVVAS science curriculum is stored and revised in digital format. Digital format provides easy access and sharing among its users. According to information available on the SAVVAS website, the curriculum learning management system (LMS) hosts the curriculum. LMS is accessible by students and teachers from anywhere with an internet connection.

Currently, SAVVAS undergoes ongoing revisions where a team of subject experts works and updates it regularly. These revisions may be based on changes in state or national standards, teachers’ or students’ feedback, scientific research, or knowledge updates. Additionally, SAVVAS seeks input from educators and other stakeholders through surveys and focus groups to make informed revisions to SAVVAS. Any information acquired will improve the system to reflect desired changes.

SAVVAS has tapped into technology to tailor services to the competing needs of different learners. The curriculum uses differentiated instruction to cater to the learning needs of every student. Students are given materials and activities tailored to specific learning styles and abilities. English Language Learning is enhanced by providing resources for English Language Learning (ELL) to help learners build language skills. These resources include ELL assessments, English language learner programs, and language development resources accessible electronically.

Special Education Resources for students with special needs include special education textbooks, online resources, and assessments. Additionally, the company offers professional development opportunities for teachers to address issues faced by students with LLP and special needs through workshops, webinars, and courses focusing on teaching strategies for learners with special needs.

Several ways in which the SAVVAS curriculum has been designed to bring students’ experiences and the larger ecological context of XYZ into the science curriculum are identified. The curriculum allows students to work on examples and group assignments that enable users to investigate real-world problems and challenges relevant to their lives and communities (SAVVAS, n.d.). By choosing topics connected to larger ecological contexts, such as local environmental issues, students can learn about and develop solutions to these problems in a hands-on, experiential way in science disciplines.

Place-based education is a strategy evident in the SAVVAS curriculum (SAVVAS, n.d.). The technique involves using the local environment and community as a context for learning. Such an approach recognizes that students’ experiences and the larger ecological context of school are valuable resources for teaching and learning. Science as a subject is directly related to other disciplines taught in school. The curriculum allows teachers to apply a cross-disciplinary approach to and integrate topics related to the larger ecological context of XYZ into multiple subject areas. The combination of these disciplines equips students with environmental knowledge of the community and other social issues in surrounding environments.

Professor Christopher Emdin is known for his advocacy for culturally responsive teaching. Emdin (2016) stated that lessons should connect learners. Disconnected students are disinterested in science subjects when classes fail to engage and motivate target learners. Emdin would describe the SAVVAS curriculum as culturally responsive, considering how learners are engaged and involved in classroom activities.

Emdin (2016) advocated for a type of curriculum that emphasizes the importance of students’ cultural identities and knowledge in the learning process by creating more meaningful and relevant learning experiences. Additionally, Emdin advocated for a curriculum grounded in the realities of students’ lives and communities. Educators ought to be aware of social, economic, and cultural factors that impact students’ lives to design a relevant and meaningful curriculum for their future.

Authorship, Revision, and Evaluation of the SAVVAS Curriculum

Depending on the topic matter, different individuals have written, revised, and evaluated the SAVVAS curriculum. The SAVVAS curriculum is currently being developed by a group of subject matter experts, instructional designers, and editors who work together to produce a thorough and efficient educational program. The engaged team meets with academic researchers, school administrators, and instructors to ensure that revised curricula adhere to industry best practices and academic standards. It is a continuous process that relies on feedback from teachers and school officials to assess and evaluate the curriculum.

For the SAVVAS curriculum to be successful, current, and in line with educational standards and objectives, it must be reviewed and evaluated. The majority of the time throughout the school day or year is set aside for instructors to study and improve curricular materials. In order to review and update curricular resources, teachers are invited to take part in collaborative teams or committees.

Curriculum authors, users, and stakeholders should consider Barrow et al. (2018) defined vertical alignment as the process of ensuring coordination and connection of curriculum across all levels for a smooth transition. SAVVAS curriculum supports vertical education alignment through consistent learning standards and assessments that gauge the student’s mastery of content.

Additionally, curriculum mapping is included, where visual representations of the curriculum across different levels are provided to teachers to find any redundancies and gaps in the curriculum. The author of this paper is currently involved in revising and evaluating the science school curriculum.

Analysis of the Curriculum in Action Based on Observations in Practice

The observation of the curriculum in action at XYZ School revealed significant factors associated with SAVVAS. There was a direct link between the design of the school curriculum and intended users. Through observation, the author noted that teachers were using SAVVAS to prepare lesson plans, assess learners, and make decisions about the use of classroom material. Students were using the science curriculum to complete tests and assessments, including interactive activities, as seen in the first figure in Appendix B. Teachers divided students into groups and allowed them time to discuss and respond to questions.

This engagement is similar to what Emdin (2016) described as features of a culturally competent curriculum. An effective curriculum should engage and connect teachers with learners. Using teacher-learner activities and assessments gave students a sense of ownership of what teachers were using to prepare lesson plans.

When comparing what was observed in class walkthroughs, one notices a significant deviation between Schmoker’s concerns in his book Focus and the curriculum implementation. Schmoker (2011) emphasized “teaching what is essential.” Schmoker argued that students should only learn and be assessed on what is considered necessary in their lives.

This is contrary to what was observed in the classroom. The author of this paper disagrees with the points raised by Schmoker regarding education reform. Schmoker (2011) stressed teacher-led instructions while ignoring the voice of learners. An effective curriculum entails the empowerment of learners who come from different backgrounds to enrich and create a live classroom.

The author of this paper believes that Schmoker’s Focus book can be revised to advocate for the voice of learners. Schmoker emphasized assessment-based learning, which can create stress and anxiety in learners. Additionally, Schmoker placed a narrow focus on science and maths, ignoring the role of arts and social studies in learner development. The author could address diversity issues in the book by rejecting the one-size-fits-all approach that may not be effective for diverse students.

I agree with the ideas articulated by Schmoker because they correspond to the actual situation in the classroom. Different students in every class require individual approaches to satisfy their needs. Otherwise, their results in science could be higher, and the teacher’s responsibility is to find the appropriate way of addressing their needs.

There were some noted gaps between what was written in the SAVVAS curriculum and what was practiced in class. Teachers did not provide room for student questions and feedback and failed to break down complex ideas for easy understanding by learners. The emphasis on the traditional instructions that are typical for the NGSS principles makes science a complicated subject for 4th – 6th-grade students.

As a result, they need more motivation to continue studying the subject, reducing their academic performance. Nevertheless, there was a direct correlation between the written curriculum and the school’s mission and vision. Both focused on equipping students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Inquiry-based learning empowers learners to challenge their assumptions and become responsible citizens.

Analysis of Assessments: Written Curriculum vs. Observed Practice

Teachers acquire important data through various types of assessments that they may use to educate and enhance education, encourage individualized student accomplishment, and track long-term student growth. The assessments can be summative and formative, and their functions are slightly different. For example, there are multiple-choice questions, essays, and presentations that reflect the student’s knowledge. These formats are most widespread according to the latest educational tendencies.

Although example test results conducted according to the ITSE standards from science grades 4 to 5 in Appendix B show that both formative and summative assessments are useful in assessing student development, a tendency toward formative tests is evident. These assessments leverage student experiences because they ensure they receive a thorough understanding of the discussed topics.

Formative assessments are employed throughout the learning process to track student knowledge and give continuing feedback that may be utilized to modify instruction and assist student development. Proof exists that dialogues in class are used to increase student involvement. In general, the observed formats of tasks are open-ended questions and discussion-based activities.

ELL and special needs students can always receive individual help from the teacher who can assist them with translation or additional explanation of the task. Project-based assessments are usually differentiated by parameters other than ability, including students’ strengths. It allows the teacher to enhance the learner’s motivation for further studying and researching the subject.

XYZ School makes use of technology to share data and prepare for tests. Instructors may build new courses, integrate data from Google classrooms, and put students in discussion groups. Although assessments were rather in line with the objectives of the case study, as shown in Appendix B, there are gaps in student performance. While some students scored higher than others, some performed worse. No proof has been demonstrated that teachers give students feedback and work with those who failed the formative tests.

Additionally, despite the fact that tests are supposed to develop culturally competent learners, they do not accurately represent students’ interests and skills. Underachieving students could have interests outside of science classrooms, but teachers did not take into account different hobbies.

In their proposal for a shared approach to formative assessments from 2006, Ainsworth and Viegut (2006) suggested that instructors work together to develop, evaluate, and score curriculum standards. It was clear that the XYZ School’s scientific curriculum did not allow instructors to evaluate student performance in order to help them. Such a method could not be in line with the NGSS criteria, which are necessary to develop culturally aware students.

Therefore, while ITSE criteria were not applicable in the given case, the NGSS aspects must be incorporated into the curriculum. According to the Next Generation Science Standards (n.d.), students must gain a solid understanding of the subject matter as well as critical abilities, such as adaptability, communication, teamwork, and inquiry. However, in the given situation, XYZ School’s approach was not beneficial due to a lack of contribution to the understanding of the subject and critical thinking skills via feedback.


Ainsworth, L., & Viegut, D. (2006). Common formative assessments: How to connect standards-based instruction and assessment. Corwin.

Barlow, K., Weber, N., Koch, N., & Hendricks, R. (2018). Understanding curricular student expectations in Texas: Readiness standards vs. supporting standards. Educational Research Quarterly, 42(2), 3-43. Web.

Emdin, C. (2016). For White folks who teach in the hood… and the rest of y’all too: Reality pedagogy and urban education. Beacon Press.

Gongora, J., van Gelderen, I., Vost, M., Zaki, S., Sutherland, S., Pye, M., Quain, A., & Taylor, R. (2022). Cultural competence is everyone’s business: Embedding cultural competence in curriculum frameworks to advance veterinary education. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Web.

Next Generation Science Standards. (n.d.). Understanding the standards. Web.

Platt, A. (2008). The skillful leader II: Confronting conditions that undermine learning. Ready About Press.

SAVVAS. (n.d.). About us. Web.

Schmoker, M. (2011). Focus: Elevating the essentials to improve student learning, Alexandria, VA radically: ASCD.

Appendices A. Written Curriculum Documentation

SAVVAS Curriculum Pacing Guide
Figure 1. SAVVAS Curriculum Pacing Guide.
Grade 6 Curriculum
Figure 2. Grade 6 Curriculum.
Data for Student Performance in 4th Grade
Figure 3. Data for Student Performance in 4th Grade. Source: SAVVAS (2023).
Student Performance Science 5th Grade
Figure 4. Student Performance Science 5th Grade.
Student Performance Science 4th Grade
Figure 5. Student Performance Science 4th Grade. Source: SAVVAS (2023).
Science 4G interactivity Textbook
Figure 6. Science 4G interactivity Textbook.

Appendices B. Written Curriculum in Action Documentation

Classroom Workthorugh 1-2

Classroom Workthorugh

Classroom Workthorugh

Classroom Workthorugh
Figure 7. Classroom Walkthrough 3.

Appendix C. Curriculum Case Study Action Plan for the unaligned SAVVAS Curriculum and NGSS

Intervention: Action Period
Identify NGSS standards to be addressed In this case, the team will review NGSS performance expectations for science subjects in grades 4-6 One month
Review current SAVVAS materials to identify misalignments in NGSS performance expectations. Specific areas to be addressed during the review process are: the content of study material, format, level of inquiry-based learning, and quality of assessments 3 Weeks
Revise content: Once gaps are identified, revise each content of SAVVAS materials to align with NGSS This may involve adding or deleting content, reorganizing the material, or updating the language to be more consistent with NGSS standards 3 Weeks
Incorporate more inquiry-based learning: The NGSS standards emphasize inquiry-based learning, which involves students asking questions, investigating phenomena, and analyzing data. SAVVAS materials should incorporate more inquiry-based activities 2 Weeks
Update assessments: The NGSS standards emphasize the importance of assessments that measure students’ understanding of science practices and concepts. SAVVAS materials should include assessments that align with these standards, such as open-ended questions, performance tasks, or simulations. 2 Weeks
Teacher Support Provide teacher support to effectively implement the revised SAVVAS materials through offering professional development workshops, online resources, or guidance documents to understand NGSS standards and how to use SAVVAS materials to support student learning. Continuous evaluation of the progress.