List of English Words with Synonyms
Looking for a list of English words with synonyms? Check A to Z collection below! It contains about 5000 most widely used English nouns with their synonyms and plural forms.
In the English language, there are eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Nouns are by far the most common part of speech. They refer to people, places, things, or ideas. There are about 1,000,000 English nouns, which is more than all other parts of speech combined.
The below collection contains about 5000 most common English nouns with their synonyms and plural forms. Use it to boost your writing. The collection is in alphabetical order. To jump to the corresponding letter, just select it from the list.
Part of speech | Number of words |
Nouns | ~ 1,000,000 |
Adjectives | ~ 185,000 |
Verbs | ~ 175,000 |
Adverbs | ~ 75,000 |
Prepositions | ~ 150 |
Pronouns | ~ 100 |
Conjunctions | ~ 100 |
Interjections | ~ 80 |
Singular | Plural | Synonyms |
Abasement | Abasements | humbling, debasement, degradation |
Abashment | Abashments | embarrassment, chagrin, discomfort |
Abatement | Abatements | reduction, decrease, diminishment |
Abduction | Abductions | kidnapping, seizing, carrying away |
Aberration | Aberrations | deviation, anomaly, irregularity |
Abhorrence | Abhorrences | disgust, revulsion, loathing |
Abidance | Abidances | compliance, adherence, conformity |
Abjuration | Abjurations | renunciation, rejection, repudiation |
Abnegation | Abnegations | self-denial, self-sacrifice, self-abnegation |
Abolishment | Abolishments | repeal, annulment, abolition |
Abominable | Abominables | detestable, loathsome, odious |
Abomination | Abominations | detestation, loathing, odium |
Abominator | Abominators | detester, loather, odier |
Aborning | Aborning | coming into being, being born, being brought forth |
Abortive | Abortives | unsuccessful, unsuccessful, futile |
Abound | Abounds | be plentiful, be plentiful, be in abundance |
Abridge | Abridgements | shorten, condense, summarize |
Abrogation | Abrogations | repeal, annulment, abrogation |
Abruptness | Abruptnesses | suddenness, unexpectedness, swiftness |
Abscess | Abscesses | boil, ulcer, sore |
Absence | Absences | lack, deficiency, void |
Absolution | Absolutions | forgiveness, pardon, acquittal |
Absorb | Absorbs | assimilate, take in, soak up |
Absorption | Absorptions | assimilation, uptake, incorporation |
Abstemiousness | Abstemiousness | temperance, abstention, self-restraint |
Abstention | Abstentions | nonparticipation, noninvolvement, abstaining |
Abstentious | Abstentiousness | abstinent, temperate, self-restrained |
Abstinence | Abstinence | temperance, abstention, self-restraint |
Abstraction | Abstractions | ideality, spirituality, intellectuality |
Acacia | Acacias | thorn tree, gum tree, mimosa |
Accent | Accents | emphasis, stress, inflection |
Acceptance | Acceptances | approval, recognition, agreement |
Access | Accesses | approach, admittance, admission |
Accession | Accessions | increase, addition, growth |
Acclamation | Acclamations | applause, approbation, ovation |
Accolade | Accolades | honor, award, distinction |
Accomplishment | Accomplishments | achievement, success, attainment |
Accuracy | Accuracies | precision, exactness, correctness |
Accusation | Accusations | charge, indictment, accusation |
Ace | Aces | expert, proficient, adept |
Ache | Aches | pain, discomfort, suffering |
Achiever | Achievers | doer, performer, success |
Acid | Acids | sour, tart, tangy |
Acidity | Acidities | sourness, tartness, tanginess |
Acme | Acmes | peak, pinnacle, summit |
Acreage | Acreages | land, field, pasture |
Acrimony | Acrimonies | bitterness, animosity, rancor |
Acumen | Acumens | keenness, sharpness, astuteness |
Adage | Adages | saying, motto, maxim |
Adaptability | Adaptabilities | flexibility, versatility, malleability |
Adequacy | Adequacies | sufficiency, adequateness, fitness |
Adherence | Adherences | attachment, loyalty, devotion |
Adjunct | Adjuncts | addition, attachment, supplement |
Adjuration | Adjurations | command, charge, order |
Adjutancy | Adjutancies | aid, assistance, support |
Adjutant | Adjutants | assistant, helper, aide |
Adjutorship | Adjutorships | assistance, aid, support |
Adjuvant | Adjuvants | auxiliary, supplementary, additional |
Ado | Ados | fuss, trouble, commotion |
Adoration | Adorations | love, devotion, worship |
Adulate | Adulate | flatter, praise, compliment |
Adulation | Adulations | flattery, praise, adoration |
Adulterate | Adulterates | contaminate, taint, corrupt |
Adulteration | Adulterations | contamination, taint, corruption |
Adultery | Adulteries | infidelity, unfaithfulness, cheating |
Adventure | Adventures | excitement, thrill, escapade |
Adversity | Adversities | hardship, difficulty, trouble |
Aeon | Aeons | eon, era, epoch |
Aesthete | Aesthetes | connoisseur, aficionado, connoisseur of beauty |
Affability | Affabilities | friendliness, amiability, geniality |
Afflict | Affinities | plague, torment, trouble |
Affliction | Afflictions | suffering, misery, distress |
Agate | Agates | gemstone, type of quartz |
Aggrandizement | Aggrandizements | enhancement, improvement, exaltation |
Aggregate | Aggregates | total, sum, accumulation |
Aggression | Aggressions | hostility, animosity, hostility |
Aggrieve | Aggrieve | wrong, harm, injury |
Agitation | Agitations | disturbance, unrest, turmoil |
Agony | Agonies | suffering, pain, torment |
Agreement | Agreements | accord, conformity, consensus |
Agriculturalist | Agriculturalists | farmer, cultivator, agronomist |
Agriculturist | Agriculturists | farmer, cultivator, agronomist |
Agrimony | Agrimonies | herb, type of plant |
Agronomy | Agronomies | science of soil management and crop production |
Ague | Agues | fever, shivering, malaria |
Aid | Aids | help, assistance, support |
Ailment | Ailments | illness, disease, disorder |
Aim | Aims | purpose, intention, goal |
Air | Airs | atmosphere, sky, breeze |
Alarm | Alarms | fear, anxiety, concern |
Album | Albums | book, record, collection |
Ale | Ales | beer, type of drink |
Alert | Alerts | vigilance, watchfulness, attentiveness |
Algebra | Algebras | mathematics, type of math |
Algorithm | Algorithms | process, set of steps, procedure |
Alibi | Alibis | defense, excuse, explanation |
Alien | Aliens | stranger, foreigner, outsider |
Aliment | Aliments | food, nourishment, sustenance |
Alimony | Alimonies | support, maintenance, allowance |
Alkali | Alkalis | base, type of chemical |
Allay | Allays | ease, relieve, calm |
Allegation | Allegations | claim, assertion, accusation |
Alliance | Alliances | association, partnership, union |
Allotment | Allotments | share, portion, allotment |
Allowance | Allowances | permission, consent, approval |
Allure | Allures | attraction, charm, fascination |
Ally | Allies | associate, partner, comrade |
Aloofness | Aloofnesses | distance, reserve, detachment |
Altercation | Altercations | argument, dispute, quarrel |
Altitude | Altitudes | height, elevation, level |
Altruism | Altruisms | selflessness, unselfishness, generosity |
Amalgam | Amalgams | mixture, blend, combination |
Amanuensis | Amanuenses | secretary, scribe, copyist |
Amass | Amasses | accumulate, gather, collect |
Amassment | Amassments | accumulation, collection, heap |
Amazement | Amazements | surprise, astonishment, wonder |
Amber | Ambers | yellow, type of resin |
Ambiguity | Ambiguities | uncertainty, doubt, confusion |
Ambition | Ambitions | desire, aspiration, goal |
Ambivalence | Ambivalences | uncertainty, indecision, doubt |
Amble | Ambles | stroll, walk, leisurely walk |
Ambrosia | Ambrosias | nectar, elixir, deliciousness |
Ambulance | Ambulances | vehicle, type of vehicle |
Amity | Amities | friendship, goodwill, cordiality |
Amorphous | Amorphous | shapeless, formless, unformed |
Anagram | Anagrams | word, type of word game |
Analgesic | Analgesics | painkiller, type of medication |
Analogy | Analogies | similarity, comparison, likeness |
Analysis | Analyses | examination, study, scrutiny |
Anathema | Anathemas | curse, execration, taboo |
Anatomy | Anatomies | structure, composition, makeup |
Ancestry | Ancestries | lineage, heritage, descent |
Anchor | Anchors | device, type of device |
Anemone | Anemones | flower, type of flower |
Anesthesia | Anesthesias | numbness, type of medical treatment |
Anger | Angers | rage, fury, wrath |
Angle | Angles | corner, bend, incline |
Anguish | Anguishes | suffering, pain, torment |
Animal | Animals | beast, creature, living being |
Animosity | Animosities | hatred, ill will, animosity |
Anoint | Anoints | consecrate, sanctify, hallow |
Anomaly | Anomalies | deviation, irregularity, abnormality |
Antagonism | Antagonisms | hostility, enmity, animosity |
Antipathy | Antipathies | dislike, aversion, hatred |
Aorta | Aortas | main artery, main blood vessel |
Apathy | Apathies | indifference, lethargy, sluggishness |
Aphorism | Aphorisms | saying, maxim, proverb |
Apocalypse | Apocalypses | disaster, cataclysm, calamity |
Apocrypha | Apocryphas | texts, writings, literature |
Apology | Apologies | regret, remorse, contrition |
Apparition | Apparitions | ghost, specter, phantom |
Appellation | Appellations | name, title, designation |
Appetite | Appetites | hunger, craving, desire |
Apprehension | Apprehensions | fear, anxiety, worry |
Approbation | Approbations | approval, endorsement, sanction |
Appropriation | Appropriations | allocation, allotment, assignment |
Apricot | Apricots | fruit, type of fruit |
Aptitude | Aptitudes | talent, ability, skill |
Aqueduct | Aqueducts | waterway, channel, conduit |
Arable | Arables | cultivatable, fit for farming, tillable |
Arduousness | Arduousnesses | difficulty, hardship, toil |
Arena | Arenas | stadium, field, amphitheater |
Argon | Argons | gas, chemical element |
Aridity | Aridities | dryness, drought, parchedness |
Aromatherapy | Aromatherapies | type of therapy using scents and essential oils |
Arraignment | Arraignments | indictment, charge, accusation |
Arrogance | Arrogances | pride, haughtiness, conceit |
Artifice | Artifices | trick, deceit, subterfuge |
Ascendancy | Ascendancies | dominance, superiority, ascendance |
Ascent | Ascent | climb, rise, ascent |
Ascription | Ascriptions | attribution, assignment, attribute |
Ash | Ashes | residue, remains, debris |
Ashram | Ashrams | retreat, hermitage, sanctuary |
Asp | Asps | venomous snake, type of snake |
Asperity | Asperities | harshness, severity, roughness |
Asperse | Asperses | defame, slander, libel |
Aspersion | Aspersions | defamation, slander, libel |
Aspirant | Aspirants | seeker, candidate, contender |
Aspiration | Aspirations | desire, ambition, goal |
Aspire | Aspires | yearn, long, aim |
Assail | Assails | attack, assault, afflict |
Assailant | Assailants | attacker, aggressor |
Assent | Assents | agreement, consent, approval |
Assertion | Assertions | affirmation, declaration, statement |
Assess | Assesses | evaluate, appraise, determine |
Assessment | Assessments | evaluation, appraisal, estimate |
Assiduity | Assiduities | diligence, industry, devotion |
Assign | Assigns | allocate, allot, apportion |
Assignation | Assignations | appointment, date, rendezvous |
Assimilation | Assimilations | absorption, incorporation, integration |
Assuage | Assuages | ease, alleviate, relieve |
Assurance | Assurances | confidence, certainty, conviction |
Aster | Asters | flower, type of flower |
Asterisk | Asterisks | symbol, mark, star |
Astringent | Astringents | drying, constricting, tightening |
Astrology | Astrologies | study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs |
Asymmetry | Asymmetries | irregularity, imbalance, disproportion |
Ataraxy | Ataraxes | peace, calm, serenity |
Atavism | Atavisms | throwback, reversion, regression |
Ataxia | Ataxias | lack of coordination, type of medical condition |
Atelectasis | Atelectases | collapsed lung, type of medical condition |
Atelier | Ateliers | workshop, studio, laboratory |
Athlete | Athletes | sportsperson, competitor, player |
Athwart | Athwarts | across, transverse, diagonal |
Atrocity | Atrocities | wickedness, cruelty, barbarity |
Atrophy | Atrophies | wasting, shrinkage, degeneration |
Attain | Attains | achieve, accomplish, reach |
Attainment | Attainments | achievement, accomplishment, success |
Attar | Attars | essential oil, type of perfume |
Attenuation | Attenuations | thinning, reduction, weakening |
Attestation | Attestations | certification, confirmation, validation |
Attitude | Attitudes | posture, position, disposition |
Attrition | Attritions | wear, erosion, deterioration |
Attune | Attunes | harmonize, adjust, adapt |
Auberge | Auberges | inn, hostel, guesthouse |
Auction | Auctions | sale, bidding, sale by auction |
Audacity | Audacities | boldness, daring, bravery |
Audience | Audiences | crowd, listeners, spectators |
Augment | Augments | increase, amplify, enhance |
Aura | Auras | atmosphere, ambiance, character |
Aureole | Aureoles | halo, crown, ring |
Auspice | Auspices | patronage, protection, sponsorship |
Austerity | Austerities | severity, frugality, rigor |
Autarky | Autarkies | self-sufficiency, independence, self-sufficiency |
Autocracy | Autocracies | despotism, tyranny, dictatorship |
Autonomy | Autonomies | independence, self-rule, self-governance |
Autopsy | Autopsies | post-mortem, examination, analysis |
Avarice | Avarices | greed, covetousness, rapacity |
Avenge | Avenges | revenge, seek revenge, |
Avens | Avenses | plant, type of plant |
Aver | Avers | state, assert, affirm |
Averment | Averments | statement, assertion, declaration |
Aversion | Aversions | dislike, hatred, distaste |
Avidity | Avidities | eagerness, enthusiasm, keenness |
Avocation | Avocations | hobby, pastime, leisure activity |
Avowal | Avowals | declaration, statement, profession |
Avulsion | Avulsions | tearing, separation, rupture |
Awl | Awls | tool, type of tool |
Axiom | Axioms | principle, truth, law |
Use the alphabet switch for more words.